Hello there, Just here to bring you an easy way to mine bitcoin for FREE. It is
very simple and has no ads, no captcha, and best of all, you only click 1 time...every 24 hours.
Its hard to beat that yeah? So this is an app on Android app store and may be on
computer but I am not to sure on that.
With Ember Fund it is easy to earn free Bitcoin through cloud mining that Is 100% FREE.
You earn a base of 5 Satoshi an hour, not much I know but every 24 hours with 1 click is 120 Satoshi a day. The kicker is you can boost this in 2 ways.
First being buting a portfolio to invest and earn in, which is the lame option and the second is better lol.
Now for the second option which is alot butter and absolutely free, all you need to do is try and get a few friends or random people on the net to download and sign up for Ember Fund through your invite link, meaning you need to build a referral base and it is very easy with social media like facebook, reddit, or twitter, youtube, tiktok...list goes on.
Per referral you gain a whopping 5 Satoshi per hour gain aslong as this person is actively mining, so you can imagine if you have 10 active referrals thats literally 55 sat an hour you would be making. 1200 Satoshi a day would be what you would be making.
So to put it simple, the more people you get that are active the more you gain. To boost your interest this is a good investment group that offers free cloud mining as a incentive to spread the word and amoung other things.
It is 100% legit and easy to withdrawal, you bassically can withdraw when you have 5$ mined and they do it every 2 weeks.
I personally am at around 90-170ish Satoshi an hour, and my last withdrawal was around 75k Satoshi. Not bad for literally barely doing much other then spread the word.
Check them out here to start earning with me
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