Bitcoin Paying Faucet 2020 Min cash out!!!

Hello there,
 Thanks for stoping by my blog, there is totally some more wicked sites to join on my others posts :) just scroll down and you will see more posts.
 Anyways this faucets min payout is 500 satoshi if you have coinbase or faucethub, that pays you out every Sunday automatically which is very awesome!!!!
 So let’s see about features hmmm
 It has a faucet.
A webminer.
Games that pay you.
Paid videos.
Pay to surf.
Referral system.

 Over all it’s decent and above the average faucet, not as good as Coinpot or Cointiply But for what it is it is decent.
 The 500 satoshi min pay out is what gets me I love that, and it’s even better that it’s with Coinbase which I recommend if you do not have it.

 Here is the site with a nice banner, it is my referral link. You do not have to use me as a referrer but I would highly appreciate it. Thank you in advance ;) P.s You are doing a great job keep your chin up!!!
